Monday, April 13, 2009

Critiques of Technology

What points, ideas, observations remain fresh in your mind?
Do you agree or disagree with the arguments made by the authors?

The articles read earlier in the week argue that search engines make society stupider and lazier. Another article argues that PowerPoint makes society dumber as well and the last article argues that useful resources such as Wikipedia are only there for our amusement. I agree with some but disagree with the majorities of the articles we read, there isn’t one article I agree with completely.

I agree that search engines such as Google make our society stupider and lazier! The society we live in today doesn’t go out as often to find a good book or do their own quality research. Society today is reliant on the internet and its uses. Google with many other search engines make it easier for us to do our research about anything we desire to know. Here is the defect search engines have on us, well besides making us lazier people; they narrow our minds to shorter readings. Today when we see a longer story or a book we debate if it’s worth the effort reading the story itself. Our attention span has decreased tremendously while our ability to multi-task has increased.

I don’t agree with the article arguing about PowerPoint’s ability to help us. I believe that PowerPoint helps us in so many different ways, especially in the business world. PowerPoint makes long boring presentations short and more efficient. It is simple as this if you don’t like PowerPoint, do not use it and let the other people who like it, enjoy in it.
A useful tool such as a Wiki is very common in a scholar’s life. While one may not depend too much on its reliability, we use it as our backbone or to help us get started with the paper itself. Wikipedia is used quite frequently in my life only because it is so informative, I like using it whenever I can because it is filled with things I don’t know about yet.
Date: January 27, 2009

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