Monday, April 13, 2009

Articles on College

Which of the articles did you find compelling? Why? What helped you relate to the writing? What did you find difficult to understand? Where there any terms you did not understand?

I really liked the “Going off to college for less” article; I found that one to be most interesting. I liked all the points the article made such as how European students pay little or no tuition and how Americans pay about what they would as out-of-state students at leading American public universities. I liked how the article made me think on how life would have been if I went back over to Europe again to study pre-med. I honestly don’t know how it would be, I just consider myself lucky to be here in the first place, maybe that why I am not letting my mind wonder too much about it.

The tuition crunch articles were really interesting as well because it pointed out the tuition increase in America. I didn’t realize how rapidly it is growing on us, it doesn’t make sense how the United States is letting that happen while the European Union is covering up their students. But it does make sense; here is an example, take a look at our healthcare system, point made.

The article, “Confessions of a Prep School College Counselor” was really interesting because people today do not realize this at all. This article was stuck in my mind the most because you always see movies where the rich parents always want their kids to go to the same school the parents went to. Big name schools from back in the day are not as powerful as all the schools now.
Date: February 3, 2009

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