Monday, April 13, 2009

Why Blog?

In the introductory entry to what will become your “blog”. Explain to your readers the nature of the blog entries, what connections exist between the topics, and what you learned as a consequence of your discussions with your classmates.

The nature of the blog entries help people connect what they are speaking off. Blogs help different groups of people connect and share their opinions. When one is blogging they don’t have to worry about showing their face or worry about what someone is going to say to them right away. When one is blogging it is easier to get the opinion out. For example our Composition 2 class has weekly posts where we share out opinions on a given matter and the people who never speak up in class always have the most to say. Why? They can say what is on their mind without someone else telling them they could look at it a different way. Some people are shy to speak in front of a group and they prefer to blog instead.
In my opinion blogs also allow a group of people to examine a topic more in depth because they have time to think and write. Then gather more information from the opposing side and after that think and write some more. The process always us, bloggers, to fully examine a topic instead of moving onto the next one.
I support blogging mostly because of these reasons. There is nothing wrong with sharing a topic with people who might be right next to you in class or people who are across the world. I love the idea that I can share my opinions with someone in China.

Date: April 7, 2009

Becoming a better Writer

Which of the writing assignments that you have had in ENC 1101 and 1102 have you found the most useful in becoming a better writer? Which assignments have you found less useful? Why?

In ENC 1101, I found the personal essays to be most useful because they really put me to the test and they were an enjoyment because it allowed the writer to write about what ever was on their mind. I enjoyed writing about what concerned me at the moment. Another thing that I enjoyed was the Personal Response Paragraphs about the readings we had due each week. This process of PRP's allowed the readers to look back onto what they read and it was really beneficial. There really werent any assignments I found useless... I guess that is a good thing.

In ENC 1102, I enjoyed the articles that were assigned each week the most. Every week a different article or two or three were assigned to read and it gave me a variety of subjects to learn from. I also enjoyed the internet sharing (posts) we did where we gave our opinions on matters the Professor posted up for us.
The essays assigned to us were specific but they gave us room to write pretty much about anything. I really enjoyed in reading the book, "Absolut: A biography of a bottle" and writing a essay about it. Down below I have posted a few posters Absolut used to advertise and one of the top competitors in today's market.
The most important lesson learned was to pick up a book every once in a while and definitely use them for research papers!!

Picking a category

Of the categories of writing which we have been examining (education, food, business, philosophy) which one would you prefer to write about? Why?

I prefer writing about business the most because it is what interests me the most. I enjoy in a good business article because I learn something from every article. When I write about business I have to be up to date in order for it to make sense. I am not saying for the other categories you dont have to be up to date but for business you have to take special precautions and keep up with all the headlines on television, newspaper, internet, etc.

Grade Choices

Suppose you were given the choice between taking classes where all the work was graded A, B, C, D and a course where you received a satisfactory or unsatisfactory, which would you choose? Why?

I would have to go with the standard grading scale of A, B, C, D because this way you are separated from the crowd; it isnt either you pass or fail. I rather have that A while a different student has a B. I like the right to earn my A over a B. There is just way more competition when there are more grades to choice from because if it was between pass or fail I wouldnt go my extra way to be a better passer but since I can go my extra to get a A over a B, I will do so.

Learning Experiences

Several examples came to me when I thought about different examples of learning styles. One was when I entered the tenth grade; I joined a PC Support class as my pathway. The teacher opened a computer desktop and explained each component inside of it. She made sure to explain how to install and uninstall each component and its function for the computer. She also made sure we knew what each part of the pc was called such as the PCI or ISA slots. Within the first hour of class she made sure we learned the core of a desktop computer.
Another example was when I was in first grade in Wiesbaden, Germany, the teacher made all the students write out the multiplication table over and over again until we could eventually recite the table. This teacher made it clear how important this part of math was to my future so therefore I was motivated to learn the table.
In seventh grade, I took a computer class where the first thing the teacher thought us how to type without looking down at the keyboard. The teacher made it become natural to us after just a few weeks in class. The teacher gave me motivation by explaining how frequent I will be using the computer in the future and how it is better learn how to type as soon as possible.
When I was turning 15, I had to learn the entire general street driving rules. I was forced to retain all the knowledge about driving in order to receive my learner’s license. Then when I decided I wanted to ride a motorcycle, I had to first learn and pass all the rules a motorcycle rider had to follow. Then I had to learn how to ride a street bike as well. The idea that was going to be able to drive or ride whenever I want, gave me the motivation to do whatever it takes to achieve this privilege.

Previous Learning Experiences (Part 1)
January 13, 2009

Last semester in com 1, I learned the importance of peer reviews and group activities. The advice from other writers helped me become a better writer. I learned that getting many different opinions about my writing will help my paper become a way better paper. A different perspective will point out mistakes and advice the writer didn’t see or think of. I also realized that there such a thing as too many words. Last semester I was thought what words in a sentence are useful and ones that weren’t. Now when I edit and reread essays I write, I know what words I have to take out because they waste space and make the paper less specific.

Comp 1 Learning Experiences (Part 2)
January 13, 2009

Favorite movie/novel

One of my favorite movies is the legendary Fight Club. Fight Club is not a regular movie which one may think, it may actually take a person a couple times to watch it to understand it completely. The movie is a psychological thriller about a guy who is a schizophrenic and has two personalities. During the movie the main character, Edward Norton, is bored and depressed with his life and because of that, he creates another life which is more exciting. A doctor he sees refuses to feed him prescription drugs for insomnia and instead he refers him to visit a support groups. He goes to many support groups such as a testicular cancer victims group in order to appreciate real suffering. He finally starts feeling good about himself because at each group he let himself come out emotionally until he met Marla who started haunting his joy because he knew she was a fake just like him. He eventually starts drifting away into his second personality played by Brad Pitt. During the movie you don’t realize that Brad Pitt and Edward Norton are the same person until the near end of the movie. Edwards’s second life, played by a made up character Tyler Durden, is made of fighting and crime committing. This makes him feel like he belongs and adds some kind of purpose to his dull life. Edward and the fictional Tyler become best friends; the two of them start Fight Club for men who desire to fight to relief their daily stress they face in their lives. The club eventually makes it nationwide “where” they built franchises all over the United States. During Fight Club, the character Tyler starts a relationship with Marla. Then he starts to form a fraternity that commits crime and terror, while this is occurring Edward finally realizes that he is actually Tyler too. The movie has a perfect twist to it; it is a psychological thriller that you don’t see in a regular action movie. I can watch this movie over and over again.

Date: January 20, 2009